Notarial services

Fields of law and focus

My notarial services include the preparation, drafting and certification of contracts, will and affidavit.

We can assist you in all legal areas that are of notarial matters and offer notarial advice and consultations.

Notarial services

Fields of law and focus

My notarial services include the preparation, drafting and certification of contracts, will and affidavit.

We can assist you in all areas of notarial matters and offer notarial advice and consultations.

Real estate law, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Real estate law

Trade & company law, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Trade & company law

Mergers & Acquisitions, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Mergers & Acquisitions

Marriage & civil law, family & inheritance law, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Marriage & civil law, family & inheritance law

Powers of attorney & precaution, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Powers of attorney & precaution

Other legal areas, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Other legal areas

Notarielle Betreuung und Beratung im Immobilienrecht, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Real estate law

Notarielle Betreuung und Beratung im Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Trade & company law

Notarielle Betreuung und Beratung bei Mergers & Acquisitions Transaktionen, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Mergers & Acquisitions

Notarielle Betreuung und Beratung im Familienrecht und Erbrecht, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Marriage & civil law, family & inheritance law

Notarielle Betreuung und Beratung bei Vorsorgevollmachten und Patientenverfügungen, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Powers of attorney & precaution

Notarielle Betreuung und Beratung in weiteren Rechtsgebieten, Lang Notarkanzlei Stuttgart

Other legal areas